The War on Pornography: Fear Mongering, Sex Education and the Role of Schools and Parenting with Carlie McPhee of The Whole SHEbang

Season 3

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***TW: mention of sexual assault in this episode.***

We’re taking a bit of a turn this week as I excitedly bring on my colleague from one of my vanilla gigs, Carlie McPhee, a sexual health educator based in Vancouver, Canada to speak to us about the so-called effects of pornography on children. We analyze the newly-released documentary, “Raised on Porn”, as requested by one of you listeners (thanks @gallegosmash!).

He wanted to know if this film was based on factual merit or evidentiary research or if it was sensationalism at its finest. If you’ve been a long-time listener of the show, you may know that us sex workers get the brunt end of stigmatization, tasteless jokes, the short end of the stick when it comes to policy and acknowledgement, and the list can go on. I bring on Carlie this week to dissect the unintentional role pornography plays in kids’ lives when growing up: as a sexual education tool. We also discuss sexual health education in schools and at home and discuss where the responsibility should lie amongst our kids and youth. With porn being so accessible nowadays, where does it belong? What should we do about it? Share your thoughts with us!

Find Carlie McPhee online @



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